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A well thought out sequence is the key to integrating our advanced skills and teaching an effective, healing and powerful asana practice.

Learning the art of sequencing will allow you to organize your classes to create specific effects, like calming, energizing, pain relief, strengthening or stretching to eliminate dysfunction and establish functional movement patterns and balance energy. You’ll learn to design harmonious, effective practices that meet your intentions and your student’s needs.

Topics will include the necessary ingredients for optimal sequencing including pose and counter pose, peak pose, optimal conditioning, breathing patterns, movement and holding, different types of stretch, rests and meeting the mood. This course will include lecture and dyad practice.

Tuition: $108

advanced sequencing

Monique Lonner, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT, is the Director and Program Mentor of Soul of Yoga Institute Advanced Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Therapy Training Programs. A Yoga teacher for 20 years, she studied in India, New York and California with Master teachers and spiritual sages including, most notably, the teaching faculty of the Soul of Yoga Institute Advanced Program. Monique has developed the Advanced Teacher Training and Yoga Therapy Program for Soul of Yoga, bringing together those who are considered to be the best of the best Master yoga teachers in the world today. A devoted spiritual seeker, as well as an experienced anatomy and physiology teacher she has created a comprehensive program which balances the study of Yoga Therapy technique with the insight and wisdom of Yogic and metaphysical philosophy.

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