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November 7-12, 2024 – 40 hours. This Training is hosted in person, livestream and via recording.

Learn to more skillfully adapt your teaching for students with differing needs. Topics of this training course include prenatal and chair teaching methodologies, common injuries, misalignments, adaptations and effective sequencing.

November 7-8th
Reconsidering Alignment with Leslie Kaminoff

Asana is one of the most powerful therapeutic tools to foster functional movement patterns and improve health. This workshop with Yoga Anatomy co-author, Leslie Kaminoff, will provide you with a contemplative perspective on alignment as a tool to accentuate the therapeutic benefits of asana for each individual.

We will look at alignment principles as they relate to body systems including digestion, circulation and respiration. Students will also learn how common misalignments in the foot, knee, neck, shoulders and spine can be observed in asana, and corrected through anatomical alignment principles.

November 9-10th
Accessible Chair Yoga with Jivana Heyman

Skillfully utilizing a chair for yoga teaching can make the benefits of asana and meditation more accessible to anyone. Jivana Heyman, founder of The Accessible Yoga School, will teach you how to invite students to use a chair as an accessible prop in a group class, as well as how to create effective and inspiring group Chair Yoga classes.

November 11th
Prenatal Yoga Training with Flossie Park

Yoga can give new life to anyone at any age, but it becomes especially helpful for mothers-to-be. Students will learn the methodology of prenatal and postnatal Yoga, various philosophies, such as natural birth and supporting birth choices, anatomy of the female pelvis, benefits and contraindications, positive affirmations and visualizations for pregnancy and birthing.

November 12th
Advanced Sequencing with Monique Lonner

A well thought out sequence is the key to integrating our newly acquired advanced skills and teaching an effective, healing and powerful yoga practice.
Learning the art of sequencing will allow you to organize your skills and understanding and create classes that elicit specific effects, like calming, energizing, relieving, strengthening or stretching. Students will develop skillful sequences designed to eliminate dysfunction and establish functional movement patterns and balance energy through effective practices that meet your intentions and your student’s needs.

Topics will include the necessary ingredients for optimal sequencing including pose and counter pose, peak pose, optimal conditioning, breathing patterns, movement and holding, different types of stretch, rests and meeting the mood. This course will include lecture and dyad practice.

Tuition: $1,000

Daily Schedule: 9:30am-5:15pm PST

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