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With Restorative Yoga expert and Yoga Therapist Jillian Pransky you’ll learn the science of the relaxation response theory and why it’s so useful for people with chronic conditions. Study the anatomy of the psoas and nervous system and the neurological, physical, psychological, and energetic principles of working with Restorative Yoga.

Jillian will teach you the skills of offering supported rest with props, the basics of teaching restorative yoga and complementary practices.

This workshop will focus on tailoring practice for people living with disease and supporting healing / guidelines for working with people one on one. You’ll finish this program confident in using the complementary medicine of Relaxation and how the mind body practice of Restorative Yoga can be used alongside the protocols, treatments, and procedures to enhance their effectiveness and promote further comfort and healing.

Tuition: $349

Daily Schedule: 9:30am-5:15pm PST

Please note: Our facilitator will be presenting over Zoom. You may attend in person to watch the facilitator over Zoom with our training group, you may attend livestream, and recordings will be made available.

DSCF0330 1 2 copy 2 283x300Jillian Pransky, author of Deep Listening (Rodale), and the new upcoming book Learning to Pause (January 26), is an international presenter and a certified yoga therapist. Jillian is the creator of The Art of Conscious Rest: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training, as well as Yoga Journal’s Restorative 101 Training, Mindful Magazines Foundations of Mindful Yoga, and Yoga Anytime’s Yoga For Anxiety. She teaches regularly at prominent wellness centers throughout the country including Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, the Omega Institute, Esalen, 1440 Multiversity, Mohonk Mountain House, and Blue Spirit Retreat Center.  A student of Pema Chödrön’s work since 1998, Jillian infuses her yoga classes with mindfulness practices, compassion, and ease. For 30 years, she’s been teaching people all over the world the principles of deep listening and pausing through mindfulness practices, restorative and slow-flow yoga. Her message is simple but potent: slowing down, turning inward, and deeply listening to our body and heart is perhaps the most meaningful form of self-care and community-care work we can do. When we are more compassionate and connected with ourselves, we are able to be more compassionate and connected with others and the world around us. Jillian’s seamless style of working simultaneously with the body, mind, and spirit, while attuning to nature and the environment, creates inspiring classes, community connections, and an integrative healing experience. Learn more about her teaching and online studio at jillianpransky.com.

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