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February 28-March 5, 2025; 9am-4:30pm each day PST (Live Stream and In Person)

A 36 hour immersion which can be used for CEUs or personal enrichment. In this module, we will learn the history, lineage, components, technique, and practice of Kundalini Yoga. We will also learn how to sustain a daily practice; the importance of mantra and how to chant to make changes in your life; and about the deeply sacred sound current: what it is and how to work with it. We will strategize how to make a very personal healthy lifestyle change, and we will learn how to properly align the body for Kundalini Yogic practice. We will end with an incredible workshop on the interrelationship between molecular biology and Kundalini yoga.

  • Somatic and Body Awareness
  • History of Yoga
  • Introduction to asana and alignment
  • Mantras, mudras, and bhandas
  • Breath techniques (pranayama)
  • Anxiety, Depression, and Yoga

A la Carte Price: $990

For information on the full 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training please click here.

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