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April 21-26, 2025 – 40 hours. This Training is hosted in person, livestream and via recording.

April 21, 2025
Living a Fulfilling Life, A Deep Dive into the Bhagavad Gita Study with Phil Goldberg

This practical workshop illuminates the core teachings of one of the most profound, sublime and influential works the human mind has ever produced. The Bhagavad Gita has been seen as a religious scripture, a spiritual guidebook, a self-help manual, a philosophical and psychological treatise, a science of consciousness, and more. It encapsulates the essence of Yoga at its deepest level, where its capacity for transforming human life is greatest. Using contemplative practices with the key passages, we will absorb the true meaning of Yoga; and, with a traditional meditation practice, we will experience the essence of the Gita’s message: Established in Yoga, perform action.

See why Thoreau read it every morning on Walden Pond and why Gandhi called it his “spiritual dictionary” and turned to it whenever difficulties arose.
The workshop will emphasize the Gita’s lessons for realizing the yogic ideal not just on a mat or a cushion, but in the midst of everyday life. The tools and insights you take away will accelerate your path to life of wholeness, unity and integration.

April 22-24, 2025
Philosophical Physiology with Leslie Kaminoff

The deepest principles of yoga can be uncovered as a subtle and profound appreciation of how our human systems operate. This workshop illuminates the yogic perspective of dynamic interconnectedness by starting with a view from the cellular level. From there, we will build a holistic understanding our interdependent and interrelating bodily tissues, organs and systems. Through multimedia presentations, interactive inquiry and one-on-one demonstrations, students will gain a deeper understanding of the principles and techniques for working with an individual’s movement and breathing patterns to produce profound healing on all levels.

April 25, 2025
Challenge and Opportunity: A Comparative Study with Dennis Chowenhill

This comparative course in Yogic Philosophy explores how the teachings impact our lives and professions, and the challenges we face as practitioners, teachers, therapists and life-long students of Yoga.

We will examine key passages in the Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtra, the Bhagavad Gītā, the Mahābhārata, and three of the Upanishads: Kaṭha, Taittirīya, and Bṛhadāraṇyaka to inform our deeper understanding of Yogic philosophy and history as a comprehensive whole.

We will note the differences in literary styles and structure, and at some features of Sanskrit itself, before settling into the examination of passages in them that echo and support each other. In studying these ancient texts we intend to help you come to appreciate how there is no corner of modern life that is unaffected by the Yogic practices and how we might bring the depth and breadth of Yoga philosophy into our personal life and therapeutic offerings.

April 26, 2025
The Radiance Sutras with Dr. Loren Roche

The gateways to wonder and delight are flung open wide for all to enter. At once a beautiful love song and an encyclopedia of of yogic techniques, the cherished text known as the Jijnana Bhairava Tantra shimmers with new effulgence in Lorin Roche’s The Radiance Sutras workshop. Lorin brings his unique perspective on the Sanskrit teachings, along with his one-of-a-kind guidance in how to meditate with, embody, and practice them – what he describes as “answering the call of the sutras you love.”

Tuition: $1,000

Daily Schedule: 9:30am-5:15pm PST

Training Location:  Soul of Yoga Institute (new location) 701 Garden View Ct, Encinitas, CA 92024

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