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Join us for a powerful duo-experience invoking the goddess of music and audible arts Saraswati through mantra and chant, combined with a Sound Bath for receiving music in your mind, body, skin and bones for healing. Instruments will include the chamber drum, Native flutes, alchemy crystal bowls, 6- string bazuki guitar, shruti box and harmonium. You can join us in the mantra of Saraswati “Om Iam Saraswati Namaha” to awaken wisdom, beauty, music and poetry in your life. You will also learn her mantra in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and the Orisha tradition of Nigeria, Yoruba language.

Tickets: $35

Christine Stevens is the author of The Nature Sutras, Music Medicine, and The Healing Drum Kit. The founder of UpBeat Drum Circles, she has appeared on NBC, PBS, KTLA, and Living Better TV, and is a faculty for The Shift Network and the Sacred Sound of the Soul Institute. She has trained facilitators from more than twenty-five countries and led the first drum circle training in the war zone of Iraq. Her study was featured in the international journal of Music and Medicine, using sound healing for pain reduction during COVID 19 in a free year-long clinic she pioneered. Christine offers online and live training programs including Awaken Your Rhythm, Healing Rhythms Facilitation Training and the year-long Global Rhythm Sangha online. www.ubdrumcircles.com

Michele C McNiff RN MSN, AHN-BC, Founder of Blue Heron Holistic, a Health & Wellness Nurse Coach specialized in providing personalized wellness plans and strategies to enhance balance and navigate life’s challenges www.blueheronholistic.org

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