Join us for a sacred evening of chanting during Spring Navaratri, the festival honoring the Divine Feminine. This special event features a female kirtan ensemble celebrating Shakti—the most powerful force on Earth. Together, we’ll honor the Divine Mother in all her forms, embracing the energy that nurtures and transforms. Please come and join us in community, devotion, fun, and celebration!
Navaratri, meaning “Nine Nights,” and takes place 4 times a year. We are deeply honored to unite as women kirtan leaders, sharing sacred prayers that uplift the feminine energy. Let this evening of devotion bring healing to ourselves, the collective, and our planet.
All are welcome! Please join us in celebrating Divine Mother and Navaratri! Jai Ma!
Please arrive 10 mins early. Prasad (blessed sweets) provided after kirtan.
Kirtan fills our hearts with joy, enhances mindfulness, elevates our mood, and connects us with spirituality. Together we build a vibrant community of love and unity, spreading positivity one chant at a time. All are welcome, and no experience of any kind is needed. Join Merry and friends monthly at Kirtan Club in the exploration and passionate practice of chanting the Divine Names from the Bhakti Tradition. Kirtan is a form of interactive musical mantra meditation.
Merry started Kirtan Club in 2018 and has nurtured Encinitas’s kirtan community ever since!
Tickets: Sliding scale $20-$40
Thank you for using the sliding scale and paying what you can. Your support helps us continue Kirtan Club.
$30 – suggested price
$40 – you have more to share to support the studio & community
$20 – financial need price
No one turned away for lack of funds, please email the host Merry Trentadue before the day of the event for assistance:
Please bring what you’d like to sit on (Meditation pillow, blanket, etc.)