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Facilitated by Amanda Baird

Tune into the Music of your Chakras & Rock Your Rainbow Light Body!

In this class Amanda will teach you how to tune into your full body “Chakra Energy System” using the Alchemy of Crystal Bowls to create harmony within so that you can radiate wholeness, peace and a more joyful presence in your life and into the world.

You will learn how to release blockages, create movement and amplify the light intelligence that lives within your human operating system using the power of alchemy crystal singing bowls.

In this advanced class, you will also be given tips and an overview of what crystal alchemies to use and prescribe when working with specific energy systems within the body.

You will also learn how to choose the size of a bowl to correspond to different areas within the body and chakra system, as well as, how to skillfully move sound around the body and work the energetic field for ultimate results.

Cost $144

*note that it is highly recommended to have at least one or two Alchemy bowls for practice during class, but not mandatory.

Login details will be included in confirmation email.


Amanda has spent over two decades studying wellness in both western and eastern modalities, including becoming a Registered Nurse, Yoga instructor, Energy worker and Registered Sound Healer. She has been leading sound healing workshops and providing further sound education to children, medical personnel, families, adults, and in hospice settings since 2013.   It is her sincere and heartfelt pledge to the many soul seekers who find themselves at the door of the Soul of Yoga and beyond, to assist them in finding their own connection to Source through the simple gifts that Sound Healing offers.  She is also the owner of 2 Crystal Tones’ alchemy bowl temples, Sacred Sound of the Soul, located in Encinitas, CA and Sedona, AZ.

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