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Learn gentle ways to release stored trauma and chronic stress in the nervous system, subconscious mind, and energy body.

While we can’t always change the world around us, we can become more adaptable and resilient, connected to an inner sense of agency and balance. This workshop will explore on mind, body, and energetic levels how to find a pathway back to wholeness and peace after difficult situations. You will learn gentle ways to release stored trauma and chronic stress in the nervous system, subconscious mind, and energy body in order to feel grounded, vitalized, and hopeful.

Utilizing the physical practice of TRE (trauma release exercises, developed by Dr. Berceli), followed by Yoga Nidra (a guided meditation for tension release and spiritual expansion), you will have the opportunity to gently unwind built up tension on multiple levels of consciousness and energy. Both TRE and Yoga Nidra activate the body’s natural blueprint for releasing stuck energy in order to return to a state of bio-psycho-energetic homeostasis. You will leave the session feeling lighter, more grounded, peaceful, and open to the good life has to offer.

The workshop will include teaching, a sharing circle, and multiple embodiment and release practices to effectively work with any trauma energy you may be carrying.

Cost: $45 Pre register; $60 at the door if space permits

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to get comfortable so we can begin on time.

Katya Lovejoy is a meditation teacher, clinical hypnotherapist, and trauma coach who supports highly sensitive people reclaim a sense of wholeness in a world that tells us we’re broken. Katya holds degrees in neuroscience and social work, as well as esoteric trainings from lineages around the world. She is committed to the liberation and empowerment of all people, and is on a mission to end the transmission of intergenerational trauma in families and communities by sharing the most effective modalities for sustainable transformation.

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