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Taught by Dr. Kyla Pearce from LoveYourBrain Foundation

Traumatic brain injury (TBI)–which includes concussion–is common, complex, and leads to a range of physical, cognitive, and psychological challenges that are often not adequately supported by traditional western medicine. Because TBI is often invisible, survivors experience a lack of feeling seen, heard, and valued, which can amplify depression, strained relationships, and suicide and suicidal ideation. The good news is yoga and mindfulness have been shown to improve many dimensions of health and well-being after TBI. Yet, these practices are often inaccessible or unsafe for the unique needs of the TBI community. To address this gap, LoveYourBrain offers comprehensive trainings and programs in evidence-based yoga and mindfulness for resilience, community connection, and well-being after TBI. This one day workshop will cover the causes and consequences of TBI, gentle yoga modifications and effective sequencing, meditation and pranayama techniques to regulate the nervous system and improve attention skills, trauma-informed teaching techniques, language and cuing best practices for cognitive processing and memory, and more. There will be hands-on practice teaching in small groups, interactive Q&A, live yoga & meditation practices, and interactive breakouts to connect with peers.

Tuition: $169

Click here for more details about the full Brain on Yoga course scheduled September 5-10, 2024.

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