Meaning, the thing you tell yourself about what you can and cannot do in your practice. Do you have one? Mine was that Vinyasa yoga was “too hard” for me. I told myself this even though I once practiced it regularly. But because I had not practiced in a while, I almost convinced myself it wasn’t for me.
And what’s funny about that is, last week, Morgan, one of our Vinyasa teachers, came to my Sunday in person, outdoor Kundalini Yoga class, and the first thing she did was nervously look at me and say, “Please don’t be too hard on me . . . I have not done Kundalini Yoga in a while . . . .” I almost laughed outload. Not at her. At myself!

She was telling herself the SAME EXACT THING about my practice that I had been telling myself about hers. I wanted to say, “No, wait, it’s your practice that is too hard, not mine!”

And of course, we were both wrong. Or rather, our minds made up stories that did not reflect reality. My first Vinyasa class back, I made a few mistakes (“wait, woah, which leg where, now?”) and modified here and there until I found my comfort level, but now, in addition to my daily Kundalini Yoga practice, I practice Vinyasa a couple of times a week and look forward to it. I’m SO GLAD I did not stay in my small story.

It was only too hard in my mind.

And Morgan had the same experience in my class. She was fine, even had a great time, and told me she would be back. Exactly like I did in my first Vinyasa class back. I had wanted to say the same thing: “Please don’t be too hard on me . . . I have not done Vinyasa Yoga in a while . . . .“ And I, too, finished the class feeling good and happy, knowing I’d be back.

Dana and Morgan

Morgan and Dana after Kundalini Yoga class!

In any yoga class, if we listen to our bodies and trust our knowing, we will be fine. Perhaps, it’s a great time to try something new.

If you feel hesitant to try Kundalini Yoga, you are not alone. Many people feel tentative about this or any practice they have not tried. Whether it’s “What even is Kundalini Yoga” or “Why do they often wear white? Do I have to do that?” There is something about Kundalini Yoga that sometimes makes people resist trying it or look around nervously when they arrive for their first in-person Kundalini Yoga class. Morgan, in fact, took her first Kundalini Yoga class by accident years ago, having planned to go to her regular Vinyasa class. And then she, too, became a Kundalini Yoga regular. I have several Kundalini Yoga students like this. They ended up in the “wrong” class and “accidentally” fell in love with this beautiful practice.

So, consider giving Kundalini Yoga a try. You do not have to wear white, memorize chants, or do all the poses to perfection. The ultimate goal is to have an experience that’s uniquely your own. You just have to be you! In my class, we smile and laugh a LOT.

And even if you tried it once before and didn’t like it, it might feel different now. There’s only one way to find out!

Click here to find a Kundalini or Vinyasa class at the Soul of Yoga.

Click here to learn about our 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training.