
Yoga of Recovery, Durga Leela’s Profound and Heartfelt Training

The Soul of Yoga Institute was honored to have Durga Leela teach her 50 hour Yoga of Recovery course this past July. I was fortunate to be in attendance, and to be able to sit down and chat with Durga afterwards. Durga boasts an impressive number of initials after her name…BA, CAS, PKS, C-IAYT, [...]

Exciting Findings in New Sound Healing Study!

We’re thrilled to share exciting results from a recent sound healing study led by Christine Stevens, faculty member of the Soul of Yoga Sound Institute. This study explored the impact of music therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the findings are remarkable! Participants experienced significant reductions in pain, anxiety, and stress. Healing effects were [...]

Your Sankalpa

For many people, New Year’s resolutions may start strong, but then either fizzle or die within months. And yet, there’s something kind of cool about the concept of a fresh start with a new year. Is it possible to find the perfect balance? Yoga provides the answer in the form of sankalpa, which loosely [...]

Benefits of Humming

From the book The Humming Effect, by Jonathan and Andi Goldman Lowered blood pressure and heart rate Slowed paced humming causes both our blood pressure to be significantly decreased as well as a decrease in heart rate.  Thus, it promotes deep relaxation and reduces stress, including reducing all those hormones associated with stress such as [...]

Addressing Trauma

As the Director of a trauma-informed yoga teacher training, I’m grateful that awareness about trauma is on the rise. There was a time when the general social attitude was that a person simply needed to “get over it” if they experienced a traumatic event or series of events, and many popular movies and shows [...]

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