Yoga Therapy

yoga therapy

Shauna MacKay B.P.E., E-RYT 500, C-IAYT is a Certified Yoga Therapist and mentor in the Soul of Yoga’s Yoga Therapy program. She has a degree in Physical Education and has worked in the health and wellness field for more than 20 years. She has also endured the rigors of an unrelenting, high-pressure sales (pharmaceutical) and marketing career that resulted in success, achievement and eventually burnout. A series of losses and the grief that followed, motivated this seasoned yogi to become a yoga teacher so she could share its’ healing and uplifting practices with others.

Using breath-centric yoga movement, mindfulness-based stress management practices, and simple energy medicine techniques, Shauna has helped a variety of clients find symptom relief, wellness and peace. Her practice includes individuals recovering from or living with early to late stage cancers, chronic pain, back pain, mental illness as well as many other nervous, structural and muscular skeletal injuries and conditions.

The relationship between Shauna and her students forms the foundation of her Yoga Therapy sessions. With a deep toolbox of practices and techniques, the sessions are rooted in trust, connection and a deep respect for each individual’s journey.  Her background in shadow work and her certification as a Master Integrative Coach bring an inquisitive, collaborative, intentional approach to her practice.

Shauna accepts a select number of clients at any onetime, with many clients staying with her well passed the time the original condition has subsided. Health is not merely the absence of disease thus teaching and empowering ongoing self-care are the cornerstones of her work.

Shauna is also an experienced San Diego/La Jolla-based yoga teacher with a large and loyal following. Her extensive knowledge, deep compassion and light-hearted, sense-of-humor create a safe and inspiring environment for all her students regardless of their age or yoga experience. Her annual yoga retreats regularly sell out well in advance.

An engaging teacher, Shauna leads yoga teacher trainings in Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, Chakra Yoga, Pranayama/Subtle Body and Mindfulness-based Yoga.

Shauna continues to train and study with master teachers and has completed advanced trainings in Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, Yoga for a Happy Back, iRest© Yoga Nidra, Chakra Yoga, Urban Zen, Yoga for Cancer Recovery, Street Yoga, and Pelvic Floor Yoga®.

Shauna loves to run, hike and bike. Her favorite yoga experiences are the mindful-based practices like Restorative, Yin and Yoga Nidra. She teaches several therapeutic-based yoga classes each week in La Jolla and sees Yoga Therapy clients in the La Jolla/San Diego area.

Phone: 858-699-9118



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