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Online Zoom workshop

The five senses are the key instruments that we have in life to perceive the world and make our way within it. How we use them determines how our lives will unfold; whether towards health or disease, creativity or stagnation. Learning to use our senses correctly is one of the main skills that we need in order to master our existence and experience life in the optimal manner possible for us.

Workshop: $20.  Register here

Register for the Ayurveda Self Care ~ Guided by Nature Membership for $49/month and this workshop is included along with a monthly First Friday workshops.  Membership sign up.

Durga LeelaDurga Leela (she/her), Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, C-IAYT, eRYT500, BA

Durga’s life was transformed by Ayurveda and she has studied in both the USA and India and has taught internationally for over 20 years. In the wisdom of Ayurveda she found herself, and a way to live intelligently, guided by nature.

Ayurveda has strong ties to the other Vedic sciences therefore Durga studies and works collaboratively with practitioners of classical yoga, yoga therapy, Vedic Astrology and Meditation. Her joy is to guide and connect others through the discovery journey of how these modalities can empower us to live our best life.

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