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Online Zoom workshop with Tarini

Discover a harmonious practice that leaves you feeling strong, uplifted, and energized, while also preparing your body and mind for the colder months ahead.
Experience the perfect blend of invigorating and grounding yoga practices to strengthen your digestive fire while incorporating calming postures that create a balance to nourish your nervous and immune systems.

Workshop: $45.  Register here

Register for the Ayurveda Self Care ~ Guided by Nature Membership for $49/month and this workshop is included along with a monthly First Friday workshops.  Membership sign up.

Tarini (Shanna Dadisman) – Yoga Therapist, Yoga Nidra Facilitator

Tarini (she/her) is a dedicated Yoga Therapist specializing in Ayurveda and yoga therapy. With extensive training and experience, she crafts personalized sessions to restore balance in mind, body, and spirit. Tarini’s mission is to guide individuals towards lasting vitality using the transformative power of Yoga and Ayurveda.

Tarini’s own transformative journey began by studying with Durga Leela in 2014 which led her to discovering the profound healing potential of Yoga and living a harmonious lifestyle according to Ayurveda. She has pursued in-depth training and certifications, immersing herself in the teachings of renowned practitioners in both the USA and India.

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