Ayurveda, the sacred science of life or ayus, meaning longevity, gifts us an incredible cornucopia of powerful tools and practices that aid our paths in profound ways. As we learn how to apply Ayurveda to our lives we begin to take better care of ourselves, make better choices that truly serve our well-being in an integrated way, and we delve into a deeper awareness of nature and our relationship to it. It’s winter and the harsh cold and dry qualities of these days and nights effect us all.

Some of my current favorite seasonal practices:

1) Add a 1/2 tsp of ghee to my morning chai tea to aid in some extra internal lubrication.

2) Make home-made heating sauerkraut, which I eat about 15 minutes before my meals to really stimulate my digestive fire.

3) Add more heating breathing techniques to your yoga practice like bastrika and kapalabhati.

4) Do twelve sun salutes for increased circulation and stimulation to combat the heavy dark mornings.

Ayurveda can be just this simple. Listening, observing, and adapting your daily flow to the flow of the universe.

We offer a fantastic 600 Hour Ayurveda Counselor Program that will change your life for the good, the better, and the more meaningful. We truly need more healing counselors in the world. People are looking for new systems that look at the root cause of disease and address mental health properly. This is a call for loving and compassionate warriors to transform their own lives by the practice of Ayurveda and then dedicate their days to help others do the same. Are you that person?