In teaching about the fascinating story of Yoga and Ayurveda, I begin with how these sciences are born of the movements of the sun, moon, and earth. These three planets reflect the trinity of life with the sun being linked to the soul, the moon with the mind, and earth with the body. Planets also share a binary relationship, which produces a similar effect for us living on earth in that relationships of all types are sacred to us. However, personal relationships are the most valued in that they can bring us great joy and ultimately provide us with our greatest lessons.

Relationships link us to a family tree, a culture, and a geographical area. In this regard I explain that yoga lineages are crucial to both the preservation of yoga and especially to its efficacy. When we study yoga from a lineage (sampradaya)-based tradition, it links us to its Kriya-shakti or power of consciousness, which magnifies our awareness and promotes our spiritual evolution. This is an important consideration for yoga teachers and practitioners who are finding themselves challenged with mental boredom and redundancy. A true lineage roots us in the power of an integral practice, keeping us ever growing in our search for Divine love.

Today, many practitioners of yoga asana are motivated by its therapeutic value. However, any practice of yoga as a therapy is actually related to Ayurveda. As the sister Vedic science to yoga, Ayurveda is mainly focused on balance of the body (tri-dosha) through balanced digestion for the promotion of ayus or longevity. Yoga is actually a scientific means for managing the ongoing war between the ego and our true inner being (soul).

If the study of Ayurveda interests you, please visit: 600 Hour Ayurveda Counselor Program