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Learn How to Use Your Voice for Sound Healing with Any Instrument

Take the first step towards freeing your voice and facilitating healing for others.

Join us in this transformative journey of voice exploration and sound healing. In this introductory weekend training, you will experience the resonance beauty of the crystal bowls and the musical instrument of your choice combined with the infinite potential of a voice that feels free and open.

As you learn more techniques and vocal practices, you will cultivate skills to foster more confidence and reduce self-doubt. This comprehensive training, led by the esteemed Grammy-nominated musician and master teacher Silvia Nakkach, delves into the multifaceted realm of voice exploration that extends beyond singing to involve deep listening, emotional depth, and the spiritual essence of the yoga of sound.

There’s nothing more empowering when all members of a circle play the crystal bowls, resonance instruments, drones, and use their voice as a natural impulse to translate into music, rhythm, and mindful movement the emotion of being alive. The possibilities are endless!

Don’t miss this opportunity to cultivate your voice and your facilitator’s skills.

In this Introductory Workshop to the New Teacher’s Training you will learn:

Vocal Techniques Mastery:

  • Learn a diverse vocabulary of vocal techniques, ancient syllables, and explore pitch, range, posture, and expression through precise muscular alignments.
  • Develop fluid gestures of the spine and hands to enhance sound movement and neuro-coherence.
  • How the voice becomes resonant musical instrument.

Deep Listening Practices:

  • Engage in sonic meditations to align the mindset and context of vocal expression.
  • Cultivate focus, relaxation, and explore a repertoire of music, devotional chants, medicine melodies, and icaros (plant medicine songs) to unleash shamanic intuition, space, and joy.

Overcoming Singing Challenges:

  • Surmount singing challenges by establishing a consistent and enjoyable practice that fosters curiosity, creative exploration, and acts as a conduit to connect with the divine essence within oneself and others.

Crystal Bowl Playing Techniques:

  • Learn crystal bowl playing tips and techniques to create melodic tones to accompany your voice in the flow of the harmonic resonance.

Voice as Colorful Sound:

  • Explore the voice as movement and as a bouncing space for wordless communication of subtle feelings expressed as the language of the heart.

Melodic Artistry:

  • Discover the art of crafting melodies and delve into the enchanting world of microtones through authentic Art of Indian raga singing.

Register now to unlock the singing potential within you and those who you wish to serve!


Saturday and Sunday, 11:00am-6:00pm PST (for in person attendees) or 11:00am-5:00pm PST (for online attendees)

In Person Training Location: Sacred Sound of the Soul  531 Encinitas Blvd. Suite 107 Encinitas, CA 92024

Or Attend Live Streaming with us. Recordings available if you miss any parts.


  • In Person: $550 includes an extra hour after online training ends. Hours 11:00 am-6:00pm PST each day.
  • Online: $400. Hours 11:00am-5:00pm PST each day
  • Or sign up for the 100 hour Vocal Resonance Teacher Training and this course will be included in that tuition

Want to study more ~ Sign up for the 100 Hour Vocal Resonance Teacher Training with Silvia Nakkach.  This weekend course above is mandatory for that program.  To learn more click here.

Silvia Nakkach, MA, MMT, is a Grammy-nominated musician, and a pioneer and a driving force of innovation in field of the sound in transformation of consciousness, and music in shamanic practices. She is an award-winning composer, author, vocal artist, and former music psychotherapist. While on the faculty of CIIS, she created the prime Certificate on Sound and Voice in the Healing Arts hosted by an academic institution. She is the founding director of the international Vox Mundi School of Voice with centers across the US, Europe, Japan, Brazil, South Korea, and India, where she travels extensively each year with groups of students interested in training in the Yoga of the Voice. Presently, she is the Coordinator and Faculty of the Sound Healing Certificate at the Open Center in New York City. She has devoted 36 years to the study of North Indian classical music under the direction of the late Maestro Ali Akbar Khan and other great masters of the Dhrupad Raga Singing tradition. She has released 16 CD-albums, and among numerous academic publications and contributions on books on music and healing, she is the author of Free Your Voice (Sounds True). www.voxmundiproject.com

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