Your Sankalpa

For many people, New Year’s resolutions may start strong, but then either fizzle or die within months. And yet, there’s something kind of cool about the concept of a fresh start with a new year. Is it possible to find the perfect balance? Yoga provides the answer in the form of sankalpa, which loosely [...]

Addressing Trauma

As the Director of a trauma-informed yoga teacher training, I’m grateful that awareness about trauma is on the rise. There was a time when the general social attitude was that a person simply needed to “get over it” if they experienced a traumatic event or series of events, and many popular movies and shows [...]

Studies show yoga reduces anxiety and depression

Originally published on Harvard’s Medical blog. Since the 1970s, meditation and other stress-reduction techniques have been studied as possible treatments for depression and anxiety. One such practice, yoga, has received less attention in the medical literature, though it has become increasingly popular in recent decades. One 2012 national survey estimated, for example, that 8.7% [...]

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